Matter of Opinion

A blog about thoughts, fear, happiness, regret, ambition, anger and all the emotions you could think of.

My very first fish curry

My other side of life that I will live more often now. Cooking. My first fish curry. Hope you guys like it.

There is a Mad Cow in my Kitchen!

I visited a fish market today after 20 years. I remember I had gone to one when we used to stay in Lalbag. I might have been 4 yrs old. I have a very vague memory of the place. All I remember is the fish stink.

Anyway, I accompanied my father today to the fish market. I am sort of ashamed to say that I did behave like a 4 yr old kid. I was just curious to know what fish is called what and was really excited to have guessed a few of them right myself. We selected some fresh and local fishes called ‘Thapi’ and ‘Lepi’. Nobody might have heard about it but what the heck, I have never made fish curry in my life either.

I have had non-vegetarian food all my life but never felt like cooking it. I was a little scared and skeptical thinking what if…

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